Wednesday 25th December
Christmas Day services
10 am: Barking Methodist Church
10.30 am: Beacontree Heath Methodist Church
10.30 am: The Drive Methodist Church
Plan of events and services, Christmas 2024 can be found here:
Christmas Plan 2024

Minister's Monthly Message
Dear Friends,
As I write our December article, I do so in reflection of attending a naturalisation ceremony - my own. After 19 years of living in the UK - amidst the fears of changing immigration laws, I applied and have been given citizenship. What does it mean? A sense of security, maybe. I hasten to add that I now hold dual citizenship- to this country and the country of my birth.
As we look towards the beginning of the festive season, we enter a time of waiting; waiting for the arrival of the Christ Child again into a world at war, a world where peace is disturbed, a world where belonging can be elusive for those displaced. A world where light shining in the darkness may seem to make little difference. Yet…
The Christ Child comes again into a world of disruption to bring light, to be the Light of the world. The light that shines in the darkness and the messiness of humanity, into a world where the shadows seem dark and long. To bring light into the darkest corners of our world and lives if we allow.
As we allow the light of the Christ Child to shine in and through us again - through welcome and hospitality, we too become light bearers within the darkness and the darkest of corners. We too become light that draws others to the Christ Child, as we reflect the light and glory of the good news of the Christ Child and the love which God has for creation and humanity.
The Light of the World comes again and again into our world, there is nothing that can stop that light and the hope that the light brings. Christ came into the world and made a home among us, to set an example of God’s kingdom - of justice, peace and valuing each as made in God’s image. Let us with open hands and hearts welcome Christ and welcome the lonely and misplaced.
In singing the faith (173) “Thank you music” we find these beautiful and meaningful words:
Into the darkness of this world,
Into the shadows of the night;
Into this loveless place you came,
Lightened our burdens, eased our pain,
And made these hearts your home.
Into the darkness once again –
O come, Lord Jesus, come.
Blessings and warm wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Barking, Dagenham and Ilford Circuit
We are a friendly family of eight churches and one community centre: Barking, Ilford, Goodmayes, Gantshill, Barkingside, The Drive, Beacontree Heath and Old Dagenham Methodist Churches and Grange Hill Methodist Church Project. We serve communities across Barking, Dagenham and Ilford with membership that spans all ages. Our members come from many different countries and backgrounds and we aim to help everyone feel at home. We are part of the wider Methodist Church in Britain and belong to London District of the Methodist Church. The Circuit oversees, supports and resources local churches in living out our mission and calling. Our Circuit office is located at Beacontree Heath Methodist Church. Methodist Circuits are also grouped into Districts, and this Circuit comes under the London District (headquarters in Westminster).
Our Vision
To be welcoming congregations where all (young, families and elderly) grow in the knowledge, love and service of Christ; speaking and living out a unified vision of God’s kingdom within the BDI Circuit in line with “our calling” in the Methodist Church.

Our Mission
To seek to enable its local churches to respond to the Gospel of God’s love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission. The Circuit endeavours to realise this policy through managing its resources effectively, stimulating vision and encouraging mission initiatives.
Growth in our Spiritual life through
Pastoral Care
Youth Work
Community Outreach